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Don't Follow your Dreams - Chase Them!

Week 8. It's getting so close now I can almost believe Futurespan will get published. It's such a huge dream that I can barely believe it might happen. I wish I could tell the 14 year old me, sat at my desktop computer in the spare room, dreaming of being an author. That it is an achieveable dream... and I'm very close to it! 70 orders away from it in fact.

As a natural procrastinator I still need to finish going through the editor's changes on Futurespan and do a final read-through or two.... a part of me doesn't want to jinx it by doing it too soon. But I'm not going to rush it. So I am going to start soon, no matter how many orders I have, because it needs to be right. And also since I am a procrastinator I am increasingly enjoying spending time writing my new novel... not editing the one that's done! Isn't it funny how novels seem to want to be written at the most inconvient times?! But as of Friday I have six weeks left, so the final edit and read through wil be happening soon! (Honest - I want it to be as perfect as it can be for all the wonderful people out there that will - hopefully - be getting a copy!)

I was really excited to see myself in Writing Magazine this month! Yey! Can barely believe I'm in there sharing the news about my book. Such a great feeling. Hopefully someday I'll be in there telling of my success and maybe being interviewed. I have always written. I have always wanted to write. I have always dreamed about being an author... and I'm sure I will be. Of more than one book. Hopefully of successful books that reach many... but even if they reach a few, they'll be out there in the world, and that's what matters. And I have time - now I am not comparing myself to Stephen King (no!) but he is phenominally successful, and deservedly so... and he didn't get a book published until 28! If I get mine published this year, I'll have three years on that! (No comparison of course!)

I have a magnet on my fridge - 'Don't follow your dreams CHASE THEM.' It says. And it's true. Dreams don't come to you. You have to go and get them. And sometimes they're illusive, sometimes they try and run away... sometimes they seem impossible to reach. But keep chasing them. Keep doing something about your dreams.... or they will never become a reality.

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